Presenters: Daniella Patti and Levente Polyák
– a Budapest Kör 138. találkozója –
The notion of the “commons,” that is, a sphere distinct from the private and public spheres, has enjoyed a true revival throughout the world in the past years. Referring to pre-modern ownership and management models beyond the public-private dichotomy, still present in many contemporary societies, this revival was fuelled by the growing distrust between citizen movements and what they perceived as private benefits disguised as public interests.
Although the commons are often described as a typology of fundamental rights, they are not given rights: the commons are “necessarily created and sustained by communities i.e. by social networks of mutual aid, solidarity, and practices of human exchange that are not reduced to the market form.” (De Angelis 2003) Community space has been one of the major claims of the commons movement: highlighting the large amount of publicly owned but mismanaged public properties, advocates of the right to the city have argued against the privatisation of public real estate stocks as well as for the community-driven and -oriented reuse of vacant properties in many cities.
The fight to protect public assets, and reframe them as commons, has been the strongest in cities with weak economic capacities and significant pressure to privatise their assets. In Berlin, civic and professional actors had successfully campaigned to change the city’s privatisation policy; Bologna and other Italian cities designed regulations for the shared management of common goods; cities in the UK and the Netherlands introduced formats to share public resources (and responsibilities) with civic partners. In Hungary, the notion of the commons has been largely absent from discussions about urban development. The Budapest Circle event on March 1 will look at some of the “commons policies” and mechanisms introduced in European cities and explore their applicability in the Hungarian context.
Everyone welcome!
Daniela, Levente and Iván
Várok mindenkit szeretettel: Tosics Iván – Városkutatás Kft / Metropolitan Research Institute
A Budapest Kör találkozóira a „Chatham House” szabályok érvényesek.
Közlemény: ez a találkozó angolul lenne. A téma azonban annyira érdekes és újszerű, hogy valahogy érthetővé kellene tenni azok számára is, akik nem elég jól értenek angolul. KÉRDÉSEM: lenne-e néhány önként jelentkező, akik egymást váltva fordítanák az elhangzottakat (fülbesúgásos módon, azaz az angolul nem jól értők a terem egyik sarkában kapnák a fordítást).
A belépés díjtalan.